Why are my workflow emails not coming through?

The most likely reason that workflow emails sent from Sales Simplicity are not getting through is because they are being rejected by your email server.

Of course, we must then ask:

Why are my workflow emails being rejected by my email server?

There are many reasons why your email could be rejected, but in our experience with this issue, there's generally one culprit. The email server thinks that you are spoofing the "from" address. And before you ask, it thinks you're spoofing the "from" address because you are spoofing the "from" address.

With each workflow email, you define "who" you want the email to be from. However, the Sales Simplicity server is still going to be generating the message, but we will say that it's from the email specified. This technique is known as spoofing, and while our use of the technique is legitimate, that's not always the case. This works the majority of time, when the From and To addresses are on different servers. However, when they're the same server, the mail system will often perform a spoof check against their own list of valid users, and sometimes against the sending IP address.

I was explaining this to our support staff and used the analogy of a scene from the movie 300. It worked quite well, so we thought we'd share.

The solution is to add the IP address of Sales Simplicity's mail server to your mail server's whitelist. Our primary email server is And there's an off chance that one of these might get referenced as well:,,,,


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